Work as Worship Retreat

Join us for the AWESOME time of encouragement in worshipping God in our work. Great way to refresh and refocus on your workplace ministry.

You can check out the dynamic speakers for the conference/retreat.

Details of the speakers and the day's schedule is:

8am - Registration

8:30am - 1st Session.

10:30 - Break with Drinks and Snacks Available.

10:45 - 2nd Session.

12:45 - Lunch Break:  lunch options from Chick-Fil-A and Moore's BBQ will be available at no cost (donations can be accepted).

2pm - 3rd session and 3:30pm - Retreat Concludes.

SIGN UP and INVITE others using this link: 

See you there! 

Event Coordinator Judson Howry, 252-675-3937

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