Men's Ministry: Focusing on fellowship opportunities that encourage & equip men to build relationships on their walk with Christ.

MISSION STATEMENT:  The Men's Ministry of BCBC is an instrument of God for reaching men and building them into a community of Christian disciples who, through the Holy Spirit, allow the attitude of Christ to be reflected in all areas of their lives.

Men, jump into these opportunities at any level of participation for the blessing to you and the body as well as outreach to our community.  

Ministry Opportunities 

Men's Breakfast

The men's breakfast is on the 3rd Saturday of each month.


Men's Breakfast in the Barn: Join other men for breakfast, fellowship, and a time of devotion. POC: Cameron Kishel at 614-580-5587 or

9/21/2024, 8:30-10:00 AM
10/19/2024, 8:30-10:00 AM
11/16/2024, 8:30-10:00 AM

Other Men's Events include:
  • Men's Conferences: 
  • Men's Dinners at the Barn
  • and Skeet Shoots
For more information, please contact us at 252-636-3378 for our liaison with the Men's Ministry Elder.

Connection Card

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Mailing Address*


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