Community Life Groups 

Every Person Growing Through CLGs - BCBC CLGs are designed to develop new and strengthen existing bonds through Christian fellowship.  CLG Mission is:
- Connecting to God and Each Other
- Loving God and Each Other
- Growing with God and with Each Other 
Simply, building relationships through Christian fellowship to grow our faith and reach out to our community.

Why is it incredibly important  to be in a CLG?  The answer is..."SO THAT"
HUH??? ...SO THAT...WWWHAT?!?!
John 17:20-21 (NASB), "I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word; that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, SO THAT the world may believe that You sent Me. 

All groups are on summer break and will be reconvening the week of September 1st and meet up through the week of December 1st.  Review & sign-up via the form at the bottom of this page.

CLG #1  - Fordham CLG - Marriage

Tuesdays at 6:30pm • Fordham House

For this season, this group will be diving into the book by Paul Tripp called Marriage. This book is packed with godly commitments and will help build and strengthen any relationship.  We’d love for you to join us in our casual environment for fellowship, food, and great open discussion to grow in God’s Word, enrich your relationship, grow closer with each other and engage our community together.

Leaders: John and Christine Fordham, contact at  , or 252-626-5082 (John), or 252-288-2784 (Christine). Reach out to them anytime for questions or any further details.  

CLG #2 - Hancock CLG - Apologetics

Tuesdays at 6:30pm - Hancock’s Home in Cherry Branch. 

The group will be discussing the book by Matthew Tingblad and Josh McDowell called, Why Did God Do That?.  These two authors team through Josh McDowell Ministries to tackle many challenging passages in the Bible to parse out God’s good work.  Our CLG is diverse in varying ages that enjoy studying God's Word and learning from each other.  We are a warm and friendly group that enjoys meeting new people and sharing life together.  Join us to get to know each other more in community and encourage each other in our spiritual growth. 

Leader: Mark Hancock, email: .  Mark and his wife, Stephanie,  have been married for 13 years and  have a blended family of three adult children and two grandchildren.  They enjoy  just hanging out with friends, going out in the boat and camping. 

CLG #3 – The Christ Loving Gang - Proverbs

Wednesdays at 6:30pm •  BCBC - Brice’s Creek area

We enjoy rich fellowship with much love and laughter with one another, engage in selfless service to one another which fosters their family of God support system and spiritual growth in each of their lives; hence, coining their name “The Christ Loving Gang”   This group has a passion for diving into Bible study mining out God’s principles for daily life, prayer, and evangelistic opportunities.  This fall, we will be going through the book of Proverbs seeking His wisdom for our lives.

Leader: Harry Piner, at , 252-514-5013. Harry is a long-time and a founding member of BCBC of now 41 years, . He enjoys serving this body, fellowshipping over meals, being with his family.. 

Co-Leaders: Stephen and Christine Elliot at . Stephen and Christine have lead this Bible study group for three years.  They have 3 grown children and 3 grandchildren.  They enjoy games, and family.  Stephen enjoys fishing and Christine enjoys serving others! 

CLG #4 –  Cornwall CLG - 1,2,3, John

Wednesdays at 6:30pm • Heart of Havelock/Cherry Point - Cornwall Home

This season we are using Tony Evan’s Right Now Media study on 1,2,3 John.  Further, our group focuses on strengthening bonds with fellow believers to create a support group with meaningful fellowship and a deep sense of belonging.  We love opportunities to serve one another and reach out to our community.

Leaders: Joe and Denise Cornwall, email:  , Joe and Denise are very active in their family and in the Havelock community. They have a heart for outreach, love cooking and spending time with their grandchildren.

CLG #5 - Davenport CLG  - Esther

Wednesdays at 6pm - Davenport Home

This group of married's will be connecting and encouraging each other with a study on Esther.  Join in on Wednesday evenings for a time to explore deeper into God's Word, build rich fellowship and serve together.  We are a fun-loving active group.  Any questions about our CLG, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. 

Leader: Dave Davenport, . Dave is married to Cookie and they are enjoying their retirement by living out their faith in their sphere of influence.  They are passionate for serving with BCBC and ministering to the refugees that have escaped persecution from the Burmese government.  They enjoy traveling, church family, and fellowship activities.

CLG #6 – Hayzlett CLG - The Book of Acts 

Wednesdays at 6:30pm - 8pm • Location: Hayzlett Home - River Bend

This group will be studying and discussing Acts using material from the Jeremiah Bible Studies Series. In Acts: The Birth of the New Church, Luke, a first-century physician, documents the rise and spread of the gospel across the known world. Luke's work serves as a bridge from the life of Christ to the birth of the first church, revealing both the successes and the inevitable growing pains as the movement spread from Jerusalem, to Judea, to Samaria, and to the rest of the world.  Join us for fun, fellowship, food, and life-giving conversations as we grow in community.

Leaders: Paul and Sue Hayzlett, email: . Paul and Sue have been married for 48 years and enjoy traveling and life with their Great Dane. They are enjoying semi-retirement after spending several years in China.

CLG #7 – Teague Prayer Focused CLG

Wednesdays at 6:30pm - 7:30pm • Location: Teague’s Home (Trent Woods)

Join us for a dedicated time of prayer. This group meets to pray for current events, needs of the body, BCBC families, BCBC ministries, and each other.  Further, the group enjoys fellowship in ministering to each other and serving the body.

Leader: Pastor Barry, our Senior Pastor,   - Married to Kim and they have two adult children. Their son, who is married also, works with Humanities United, an organization combatting human trafficking that lobbies for legislation on Capitol Hill, and their daughter works for a nonprofit promoting organizations with their stories. Barry and Kim enjoy family activities, fitness, and enjoy their two pets.

CLG #8 - Howry  CLG / Prayer Focus

Wednesdays at 7pm to 8:15pm - BCBC & Zoom Meeting Hybrid  

This group will be gathering and connecting with the study on prayer by going through a book by John Eldredge called Moving Mountains.  Join with us in going through this study while enjoying fellowship to get to know each other more.

Leader: Pastor Jud, 252-675-3937, or   Jud is married to Tara for 23 years and have 3 grown kids and the oldest now married and one off in Mongolia serving with ELIC.  They enjoy time with family, board games, movies, and fellowship activities.

CLG #9 - Women’s Group - Spiritual Warfare

Tuesdays 6:30pm - 8:30pm • Lebo Home (Brice’s Creek) 

This Tuesday night CLG is a group of ladies learning to love and trust our Almighty God together! We will be going through the book and video series, Spiritual Warfare, by Dr. Jeremiah.  “Spiritual Warfare presents Dr. David Jeremiah's verse-by-verse study of the believer's spiritual armor as found in Ephesians 6. The truths contained in this study are for every believer because every believer is being attacked. Gain a better understanding on the armor God has prepared for us - learn how to utilize it in its entirety and defeat the work of Satan in your life.”  Come and join our close-knit group of ladies seeking to grow closer to our wonderful Savior as we love and support one another.

Leader: Lora Lebo . Lora has been married to Marty for 35 years. They share 3 adult sons and now all married!  Lora loves to spend time with friends doing God’s work together. She is also an avid reader and enjoys taking long walks.

CLG #10  - Women’s Group -Kitchen Table Bible Study

Wednesday mornings, 9:30-11:00 am — Teague Home (Trent Woods) - No childcare available  

Come gather around the kitchen table on Wednesday mornings as we look into God’s Word and encourage one another. We’ll study the life of Abraham, using Mindy Ferguson’s book entitled Abraham: Developing Unwavering Faith. Join us as we journey with Abraham and learn with him about the faithfulness of our awesome God.

Leader: Kim Teague , email at:    Kim is married to Barry, and they have an adult daughter, son, and daughter-in-law. Kim enjoys writing and walking with Barry along with their dogs.

CLG #11 - Women’s Group - 1 & 2 Thessalonians

Wednesdays at 6:30pm - Prutch Home  (Gables Run)

This CLG will be connecting by studying the books of 1 & 2 Thessalonians.  We will using the material by the authors Stacy Davis and Brenda Harris, founders of Delighting In The Lord Ministries, called Caught Up.  Join us  for a time to explore deeper into God's Word, immersing ourselves in the study of God of His incredible attributes and be an encouragement to each other through fellowship and serving together. 

Leader: Jen Prutch, (252) 772-3754,  . Jen is married to Henry and have been married for 25  years and have 4 grown kids: three oldest are married (giving them 11 grandkids) and their youngest is attending college. She enjoys time with family, gardening and fellowship activities.

CLG #12 - Women’s Group - Acts

Thursday afternoons / BCBC  / 3pm - 4:30pm  

This CLG will be studying the book of Acts using Dr. David Jeremiah Bible Study Series.  Join us for encouragement in gleaning godly principles for your witness, worship, walk, and work in our daily lives while supporting one another through life’s challenges and celebrations. 

Leader:  Valerie Beck ( , 252-649-8689).  Val has been married to Larry Beck for 25 years.  They enjoy road trips to visit family and friends, and being home to enjoy their dogs and retirement life..

CLG #13  - Men’s s Group - James

Tuesdays, 6:30-8pm — Fahey Home (Taberna)  

Come gather together as we look into our lives to identify idols that are keeping us from reaching our full potential. We will be studying the book of James using a study for men by Vince Miller, a speaker and author for men with Resolute ministry.  

Leader: Jonathan Fahey , email at:   Jonathan is married to Amanda, and they have three sons ranging from ten to sixteen years in age. They enjoy watching movies, playing and attending sports and fellowship with other families in the BCBC body.

NEW CLG #14  - Men’s Group - Foundations

Thursday Mornings, 6:30am-7:30am — McDonald’s on Dr. MLK,Jr. Blvd   

This new group will be kicking off by digging into biblical foundations with the book, What Every Christian Ought to Know, by Adrian Rogers.  We will meet Thursday mornings to discuss each chapter this book over a 13-week period this fall. Join us for a great time of discussion, encouragement and fellowship.

Leader: Steve Ruehr, email at: .  Steve has been married to Mandy for 8 years and they have 3 adult sons.  They enjoy watching movies, being outdoors, and fellowship with other families in the community of believers.


Group #15 - Young Adults (ages 18-25) - The Well

Tuesdays at 7pm - BCBC Barn & Various Places 

This is an ongoing Christian community group for young adults with Brice’s Creek Bible Church. The Well is a peer led group under the leadership of Pastor Phil and the young adult intern, Nate Prutch. They gather weekly to seek God together and to live out our identity in Christ with intentionality and passion. Furthermore, the group enjoys many fellowship opportunities investing in community and outreach.  Contact info as follows:

- Pastor Phil, email: ;, cell: (252) 626-6555; 

Group #16 - Careerists and Young Married Adults (ages 22 - 40 Something) - The River

Fridays at 7pm - Puz’s Home (Carolina Colours).  The River is an ongoing group for the purpose of: 1) WINNING - foster connecting points within BCBC through small group involvement for age demographics of 25 to 40 Something.; 2) BUILDING - offers life application with material called “Bible Studies for Life” which better resonates with this age group at their place in life; 3) SENDING - to be ever mindful with strategic outreach opportunities that incorporate fellowship and special events with the aim of reaching out to others in this age group with the message of God’s love.   

Get involved by contacting Larry and Jackie Puz at (252) 626-6798,


Connecting, Loving, and Growing

BCBC CLGs are designed to develop new and strengthen existing bonds through Christian fellowship.
We focus on:
  • Connecting to God and Each Other
  • Loving God and Each Other
  • Growing with God and with Each Other 

Simply put: Building relationships through Christian fellowship to grow our faith and reach out to our community.

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Community Life Groups

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